MicroTrench Installations
A more recent advancement in trenching involves cutting a sawcut trench or groove to be occupied by a variety of MicroDucts, either loose or bundled. FuturePath Flex allows for minimal trench width while also being able to be ‘rolled’ into a somewhat tubular shape for pulling purposes.
For more information on MicroTrenching, please visit Dura-Line's Technology Summit 2019: MicroTrenching.
Our Digital Tools are designed to aid you in choosing MicroTechnology products for specific installations.

Restoration with Asphalt
If asphalt is chosen as the restoration material, the conduit must be shielded form the hot asphalt mixture as it cools. A layer of sand, flowable fill, or foam backer rod are good choices to provide insulation from the heat.

The trench is typically constructed using a smaller specialized rockwheel blade design to provide cutting widths of approximately 1 to 5 inches at a variety of depths; usually, 20 inches or less. This works for both concrete and asphalt.

Undercut Corners
The flexible HDPE conduit should be installed with gentle bends. Undercutting the corners allows the correct bend radius for the conduit.

Proper trench preparation
A layer of clean sand at the bottom of the trench can prevent sharp rocks from damaging the pathway over time.

The MicroTrenches are typically 0.5" – 2.25" in width, and between 8 – 16" deep. MicroTrenching takes 1/5 the time as traditional methods and is 1/3 the cost.

Conduit Placement
Ensure the route is free of debris, then place the MicroDuct or FuturePath into the MicroTrench. Follow the placement with a shovel handle or similar item to push the pathway to the bottom of the trench.

MicroTrenching Equipment
MicroTrenching requires a system, including a vacuum excavator, which removes spoils during the cutting process.

MicroTrenching Equipment
There are many styles and designs of MicroTrenching equipment. The correct equipment is chosen based on several factors: design, location, product, dimensions, reinstatement and other job specific considerations.

FuturePath Flex
A great product for MicroTrenches, FuturePath Flex has up to 8 pathways joined with a web of HDPE, allowing for easy separation and routing of individual ducts.

Reinstatement Materials
Choosing the reinstatement material is the most critical consideration in MicroTrenching. There are many different types of reinstatement materials to choose from and each product should be evaluated for the location and environment.

Why MicroTrench?
MicroTrenching is a less disruptive installation technique, producing less debris, avoids crowded easements, and is much faster than other techniques.

Restoration with Asphalt
If asphalt is chosen as the restoration material, the conduit must be shielded form the hot asphalt mixture as it cools. A layer of sand, flowable fill, or foam backer rod are good choices to provide insulation from the heat.

The trench is typically constructed using a smaller specialized rockwheel blade design to provide cutting widths of approximately 1 to 5 inches at a variety of depths; usually, 20 inches or less. This works for both concrete and asphalt.

Undercut Corners
The flexible HDPE conduit should be installed with gentle bends. Undercutting the corners allows the correct bend radius for the conduit.

Proper trench preparation
A layer of clean sand at the bottom of the trench can prevent sharp rocks from damaging the pathway over time.

The MicroTrenches are typically 0.5" – 2.25" in width, and between 8 – 16" deep. MicroTrenching takes 1/5 the time as traditional methods and is 1/3 the cost.

Conduit Placement
Ensure the route is free of debris, then place the MicroDuct or FuturePath into the MicroTrench. Follow the placement with a shovel handle or similar item to push the pathway to the bottom of the trench.

MicroTrenching Equipment
MicroTrenching requires a system, including a vacuum excavator, which removes spoils during the cutting process.

MicroTrenching Equipment
There are many styles and designs of MicroTrenching equipment. The correct equipment is chosen based on several factors: design, location, product, dimensions, reinstatement and other job specific considerations.

FuturePath Flex
A great product for MicroTrenches, FuturePath Flex has up to 8 pathways joined with a web of HDPE, allowing for easy separation and routing of individual ducts.

Reinstatement Materials
Choosing the reinstatement material is the most critical consideration in MicroTrenching. There are many different types of reinstatement materials to choose from and each product should be evaluated for the location and environment.

Why MicroTrench?
MicroTrenching is a less disruptive installation technique, producing less debris, avoids crowded easements, and is much faster than other techniques.

Restoration with Asphalt
If asphalt is chosen as the restoration material, the conduit must be shielded form the hot asphalt mixture as it cools. A layer of sand, flowable fill, or foam backer rod are good choices to provide insulation from the heat.

MicroTrenching equipment uses specialized units to create precise depth/width micro-trenches. The type of road surface will dictate which equipment is best suited for the construction. Careful consideration has to be given as to the location of tie-ins (handholes, vaults) that are in line, or adjacent to, the MicroTrench. Collection of the trench spoils is required.
Following the proper installation of the ducts or MicroDucts in the MicroTrench, the reinstatement sealing process is very critical since many of the asphalt materials are very hot (210°F to 300°F). Thus, the ducts may require a sand-based or foam backer rod heat barrier. Newer flowable grout materials generate little or no heat but will require proper preparation of the duct and MicroTrench and require specialized installation equipment and trained personnel.

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