Resident Expectations
Residents expect – and will pay a higher premium for – homes with continuous, seamless connectivity. Beyond, water, electricity, and gas, now high-speed internet access is part of the base expectations. Limitless broadband capabilities are an essential utility for today’s residents. Telecommuters demand speed and reliability and high-speed connectivity supports video-on-demand with little or no buffering.
Apartment Buildings, Condos and Multi-Tenant Units
Only fiber can meet the expectations of high speeds, fast downloads, and property-wide Wi-Fi reliability. And, only fiber can handle the future demand and support the growth of the Internet of Things (IoT). Fiber installed in a conduit system allows for flexible, upgradable, scalable systems for new construction (greenfield) and existing buildings (brownfield). Dura-Line’s MDU solutions are the only upgradable solutions available on the market today. As fiber evolves, a consistent permanent pathway avoids disrupting the lives of tenants.
Protected Pathways
Dura-Line makes a wide portfolio of products perfect for MDUs because they are specifically for indoor use and are available with or without fiber optic cables pre-installed. Dealing with architectural obstacles and a complex layout can sometimes make it difficult to access individual apartments or units. With conduit in place, the pathways are safely behind the wall and deploying fiber throughout the building can be done in a fast and efficient manner which reduces the time needed for service activation. Despite the high customer churn common in MDUs, ensure a high-quality performance from the telecom room with MicroDucts.
Riser pathways are for cables that pass between floors. It is normally a vertical shaft or space. Materials used in this area are required to pass a less stringent test than plenum and can run to individual units in MDUs.
Plenum conduit is used in a plenum space, which is the part of a building that facilitates air circulation for heating and air conditioning systems. The fire requirements are stricter because this area is space provided for heated, air conditioned, or return airflows which is usually under greater pressure than the surrounding atmosphere.

Digital Tools and Calculators
Take a look at our new digital tools and discover what MicroTechnology can do for your next project!