Dura-Line is committed to manufacturing sustainably and acting as a strong steward of the environment and the communities where it operates. In addition to its goal to reach Zero Waste to Landfill status by 2025, the plastics manufacturer is taking a hard look at its carbon footprint and energy consumption.
In 2021, Dura-Line joined more than 235 companies and industrial organizations to lead the way on energy efficiency by joining the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) Better Buildings, Better Plants program. This national partnership initiative allows manufacturers to drive significant improvement in energy efficiency by setting ambitious energy savings goals, developing energy management plans, and tracking and reporting their annual progress. As of 2020, program partners have collectively saved over 1.7 QBtus and $8.2 billion in cumulative energy costs.
This partnership enables Dura-Line to work toward its parent company, Orbia’s, ambition to keep global temperatures below 1.5°C compared to preindustrial levels through the Science Based Target Initiative (SBTi) framework. In alignment with Orbia and the World Resources Institute (WRI), Dura-Line has established the goal of reducing Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions 47% by 2030.
SBTi approval of this goal is pending, but Dura-Line’s commitment to conserving energy and resources is long underway. By partnering with the DOE Better Buildings, Better Plants program, Dura-Line joins a community leveraging strong resources and networks to analyze current energy usage, assess opportunities for efficiencies, and train staff how to be diligent energy managers within its U.S. plants.

Dura-Line’s commitment to improving its energy productivity by 25% over 10 years establishes the company as a leader in efficiency and helps strengthen the nation’s manufacturing competitiveness.
Michael McKittrick, Acting Director, Advanced Manufacturing Office, U.S. Department of Energy.